Now we all understand the need to be Immunity Strong. During this epidemic, we are thinking of different ways to strengthen the immune system to prevent corona infection.

Immunity Booster for Stronger Health

Top Highlights:

  • There are many benefits eating these food with empty stomach
  • Increased immunity with morning food

Taking certain substances on the run strengthens the immunity. There are many benefits to taking certain ingredients on the go because the burden on the digestive system on the go is minimal. This makes it possible to get more benefits from those ingredients. Look at those ingredients.

Gooseberry* (Amla) - Health Benefits

Gooseberry Health Benefits

Experts say that gooseberry balances the bile, bile and sputum defects in our body. This balancing act can prevent many diseases. The benefits of drinking hot water with a gooseberry fruit crunches are as follows:

1. Amla is rich in Vitamin C. It boosts the immune system.

2. Protects against heart disease and certain types of cancer.

3. Protects against colds and coughs.

4. Prevents infections.

5. Reduces shroud.

6. Eliminates constipation.

7. Helps in weight loss.

8. Contributes to abrasion.

9. Improves metabolism.

10. Increases hemoglobin levels.

11. Detoxes.

12. Prevents free radical damage and repairs damage.

13. Improves eyesight.

14. Gives relief from joint pains.


People with high blood pressure, diabetic patients, pregnant women and nursing mothers should take aspirin only after consulting a doctor. Amnesia is high in vitamin C, so high levels can lead to problems such as dry skin and rashes. Therefore, those who take asthma for health purposes should take it only after consulting their doctor.


* Garlic -Health Benefits


Garlic - Health Benefits

Garlic is one of the most important ingredients in our food. In addition to taste, garlic has many health benefits. Garlic taken in lukewarm water is very good for health. The benefits of taking one or two shoots of garlic in lukewarm water on the run are:


1. Garlic intake is good for dehydration.

2. Helps in weight loss.

3. Expels impurities from the body.

4. Significantly reduces the risk of diabetes, depression, and certain types of cancer.

5. Gives relief from problems like cold and cough.

6. Can prevent cardiovascular diseases by lowering bad cholesterol.

7. Garlic is good for the eyes due to its anti-microbial properties. Regular consumption of garlic improves eye health.

8. Garlic also checks for problems like kidney infections, UTI.

9. Increases life expectancy by making all the organs in the body function properly


Make sure the garlic you take in early morning on empty stomach is fresh. Remember that taking too much can do more harm than good. Those who are not allergic to garlic should not eat raw garlic at all. If you have a headache or fever due to eating green garlic, stop taking it immediately. Pregnant women and those with stomach ulcers should not take garlic on the run. Do this only after consulting a doctor if you are taking any medical treatment.


Honey* - Health Benefits

Honey Health Benefits

The body needs strong immunity when climate change occurs. One such immunity boosting food is honey. the benefits of taking honey in a little lukewarm water with empty stomach are:

1. Relieves cough.

2. Helps in weight loss.

3. The skin is clear.

4. Fights free radicals.

5. Improves digestion.

6. Reduces allergies.

7. Works as a natural energy booster.

8. Makes for a good night's sleep.

9. Reduces hangover.

10. Protects against heart disease.


Note: People with high blood pressure, diabetic patients, pregnant women and nursing mothers should take honey only after consulting a doctor. Excessive intake of honey can lead to problems like diarrhea. Therefore, those who take honey for health purposes should take it only after consulting their doctor.